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Text File  |  1996-12-24  |  19KB  |  330 lines

  1. **************************
  3. *  BY KENN SCRIBNER      *
  4. *  COPYRIGHT (C) 1989    *
  5. *  MICROSPARC, INC.      *
  6. *  CONCORD, MA 01742     *
  7. **************************
  8. *
  9. *
  10. *  ORCA/M 4.1 Assembler
  11. *
  12.                   ORG    $6EC7
  13.                   KEEP   RESET
  14. RESET        START
  15.                          ;...............................................................
  16.                          ;
  17.                          ; Program EQUates.
  18.                          ;...............................................................
  19. CSWL          EQU   $36                      ;monitor character output hook
  20. KSWL          EQU   $38                      ;monitor character input hook
  21. VBL1          EQU   $3C                      ;temporary storage location
  22. VBL2          EQU   $3D                      ;temporary storage location
  23. VBL3          EQU   $3E                      ;temporary storage location
  24. VBL4          EQU   $3F                      ;temporary storage location
  25. A1L            EQU   $3C                      ;source starting address for MOVE
  26. A2L            EQU   $3E                      ;source ending address for MOVE
  27. A4L            EQU   $42                      ;destination address for MOVE
  28. LINNUM      EQU   $50                      ;ASoft line number in progress
  29. CURLIN      EQU   $75                      ;ASoft line number in progress
  30. VARPNT      EQU   $83                      ;pointer to ASoft variable data
  31. TXTPTR      EQU   $B8                      ;current ASoft token's address
  32. ERRPOS      EQU   $DC                      ;temporary storage for TXTPTR
  33. INBUFR      EQU   $200                     ;DOS command input buffer
  34. RSTVCTL    EQU   $3F2                     ;reset vector low byte
  35. RSTVCTH    EQU   $3F3                     ;reset vector high byte
  36. RSTVCTV    EQU   $3F4                     ;reset vector power-up validation byte
  37. ERROR        EQU   $D412                    ;ASoft error handler, errnum in xreg
  38. STKINI      EQU   $D683                    ;restore ASoft's stack pointer
  39. STXTPT      EQU   $D697                    ;reset TXTPTR to beginning of program
  40. NEWSTT      EQU   $D7D2                    ;execute ASoft program from TXTPTR
  41. GETLIN      EQU   $D941                    ;find line in LINNUM in memory
  42. PTRGET      EQU   $DFE3                    ;find/create simple variable in memory
  43. GIVAYF      EQU   $E2F2                    ;convert integer in A,Y to floating pt.
  44. GETADR      EQU   $E752                    ;convert floating pt. number to integer
  45. MOVFM        EQU   $EAF9                    ;unpack variable data and move to FAC
  46. MOVMF        EQU   $EB2B                    ;pack FAC data and move to variable
  47. SETHMEM1  EQU   $F28E                    ;calculate and set HIMEM from LINNUM
  48. MOVE          EQU   $FE2C                    ;monitor memory move routine
  50.                          ;...............................................................
  51.                          ;
  52.                          ; ProDOS and BASIC.SYSTEM EQUates.
  53.                          ;...............................................................
  55. DOSCMD      EQU   $BE03                    ;execute DOS command stored at $200
  56. ERROUT      EQU   $BE09                    ;BASIC.SYSTEM error handler
  57. VECTOUT    EQU   $BE30                    ;BASIC.SYSTEM output link
  58. VECTIN      EQU   $BE32                    ;BASIC.SYSTEM input link
  59. GETBUFR    EQU   $BEF5                    ;reserve x pages above HIMEM, x in areg
  60. KVERSION  EQU   $BFFF                    ;ProDOS Kernel Version
  62.                          ;...............................................................
  63.                          ;
  64.                          ; DOS 3.3 EQUates.
  65.                          ;...............................................................
  67. CONNECT    EQU   $3EA                     ;DOS 3.3 I/O vector reconnection routine
  68. MAXFILES  EQU   $A258                    ;DOS 3.3 MAXFILES command
  69. CLOSE        EQU   $A316                    ;close all open DOS 3.3 files
  71.                          ;...............................................................
  72.                          ;
  73.                          ; Set up SV variable.
  74.                          ;...............................................................
  75.                   LDA   #>SETUP                  ;variable data high byte
  76.                   STA   VBL1                     ;store it for subroutine
  77.                   LDA   #<SETUP                  ;variable data low byte
  78.                   STA   VBL2                     ;store it
  79.                   LDA   #>SVVBL                  ;variable name's location high byte
  80.                   STA   VBL3                     ;store it
  81.                   LDA   #<SVVBL                  ;variable name's location low byte
  82.                   STA   VBL4                     ;store it
  83.                   JSR   SETVBL                   ;set up the variable
  84.                   RTS                            ;done, let user initialize reset pgm
  85.                          ;...............................................................
  86.                          ;
  87.                          ; Set up RE variable.
  88.                          ;...............................................................
  89. SETUP        LDA   #$03                     ;ASoft equivalent of LET RE = 1000
  90.                   STA   VBL1
  91.                   LDA   #$E8                     ; ($03E8 = 1000 decimal)
  92.                   STA   VBL2
  93.                   LDA   #>REVBL                  ;NOTE:  this overwrites any previous
  94.                   STA   VBL3                     ; RE values!
  95.                   LDA   #<REVBL
  96.                   STA   VBL4
  97.                   JSR   SETVBL                   ;create/change variable
  98.                   LDA   CSWL                     ;save I/O links so DOS may be recon-
  99.                   STA   RST+1                    ; nected after a reset.
  100.                   LDA   CSWL+1                   ;saving output links
  101.                   STA   RST+5
  102.                   LDA   KSWL                     ;saving input links
  103.                   STA   RST+9
  104.                   LDA   KSWL+1
  105.                   STA   RST+13
  106. CHKDOS      LDA   KVERSION                 ;check which DOS we're running
  107.                   BMI   DOS33                    ;running DOS 3.3
  108. PDOS          LDA   #$01                     ;want 1 page (256 bytes) of reserved
  109.                   JSR   GETBUFR                  ; space (moves HIMEM and protects us)
  110.                   BCC   FIXPGM                   ;enough memory, okay to relocate pgm
  111. MEMERR      LDX   #$4D                     ;?OUT OF MEMORY error
  112.                   JMP   ERROR                    ;not enough memory, flag user
  113.                          ;...............................................................
  114.                          ;
  115.                          ; This code "fixes" our program, since we don't know beforehand where
  116.                          ;  BASIC.SYSTEM will want it moved.
  117.                          ;...............................................................
  118. FIXPGM      STA   FIX1+1                   ;we need to correct any absolute
  119.                   STA   FIX2+1                   ; addresses to properly relocate code
  120.                   STA   CLSLOOP+2
  121.                   STA   SETVECT+6                ;new reset vector's value (high byte)
  122.                   STA   A4L+1                    ;high byte of memory to relocate to
  123.                   LDA   #$BE
  124.                   STA   KILLVECT+6               ;point KV to $BE00
  125.                   LDA   #$00                     ;low byte of memory to relocate to
  126.                   STA   A4L
  127.                   STA   KILLVECT+1
  128.                   LDA   #<RST                    ;beginning of program to be moved
  129.                   STA   A1L
  130.                   LDA   #>RST
  131.                   STA   A1L+1
  132.                   LDA   #<END                    ;ending of program to be moved
  133.                   STA   A2L
  134.                   LDA   #>END
  135.                   STA   A2L+1
  136.                   LDY   #$00
  137.                   JSR   MOVE                     ;move program
  138.                          ;...............................................................
  139.                          ;
  140.                          ; Set up KV and SV, kill vector and set vector for ProDOS version.
  141.                          ;...............................................................
  142.                   LDA   FIX1+1                   ;get high byte of set routine
  143.                   STA   VBL1                     ; (corrected for BASIC.SYSTEM move)
  144.                   LDA   #<KILLVECT
  145.                   STA   VBL2
  146.                   LDA   #>KVVBL                  ;find variable's name
  147.                   STA   VBL3
  148.                   LDA   #<KVVBL
  149.                   STA   VBL4
  150.                   JSR   SETVBL                   ;create/change KV
  151.                   LDA   FIX1+1                   ;get high byte of set routine
  152.                   STA   VBL1                     ; (corrected for BASIC.SYSTEM move)
  153.                   LDA   #<SETVECT
  154.                   STA   VBL2
  155.                   LDA   #>SVVBL                  ;find variable's name
  156.                   STA   VBL3
  157.                   LDA   #<SVVBL
  158.                   STA   VBL4
  159.                   JSR   SETVBL                   ;create/change SV
  160.                   BCC   FIXVECT                  ;twiddle reset vector
  161.                          ;...............................................................
  162.                          ;
  163.                          ; DOS 3.3 version.  We always know the reset program will load at
  164.                          ;  $9600, so we won't need to fix it.
  165.                          ;...............................................................
  166. DOS33        LDA   #$01                     ;MAXFILES = 1 command
  167.                   JSR   MAXFILES
  168.                   LDA   #$00                     ;set HIMEM to $9600
  169.                   STA   LINNUM
  170.                   LDA   #$96
  171.                   STA   LINNUM+1
  172.                   JSR   SETHMEM1                 ;calculate and set new HIMEM
  173.                   LDA   #$00                     ;low byte of memory to relocate to
  174.                   STA   A4L
  175.                   LDA   #$96                     ;high byte of memory to relocate to
  176.                   STA   A4L+1
  177.                   LDA   #<RST                    ;beginning of program to be moved
  178.                   STA   A1L
  179.                   LDA   #>RST
  180.                   STA   A1L+1
  181.                   LDA   #<END                    ;ending of program to be moved
  182.                   STA   A2L
  183.                   LDA   #>END
  184.                   STA   A2L+1
  185.                   LDY   #$00
  186.                   JSR   MOVE                     ;move program
  187.                   LDA   #$96                     ;get high byte of kill routine
  188.                   STA   VBL1
  189.                   LDA   #<KILLVECT
  190.                   STA   VBL2
  191.                   LDA   #>KVVBL                  ;find variable's name
  192.                   STA   VBL3
  193.                   LDA   #<KVVBL
  194.                   STA   VBL4
  195.                   JSR   SETVBL                   ;create/change KV
  196.                   LDA   #$96                     ;get high byte of set routine
  197.                   STA   VBL1
  198.                   LDA   #<SETVECT
  199.                   STA   VBL2
  200.                   LDA   #>SVVBL                  ;find variable's name
  201.                   STA   VBL3
  202.                   LDA   #<SVVBL
  203.                   STA   VBL4
  204.                   JSR   SETVBL                   ;create/change SV
  205.                          ;...............................................................
  206.                          ;
  207.                          ; Set up reset vector.
  208.                          ;...............................................................
  209. FIXVECT    LDA   #$00                     ;low byte
  210.                   STA   RSTVCTL
  211. FIX1          LDA   #$96                     ;(corrected) high byte
  212.                   STA   RSTVCTH
  213.                   EOR   #$A5                     ;twiddle power-up byte
  214.                   STA   RSTVCTV
  215.                   RTS                            ;done, ASoft reset enabled
  216.                          ;...............................................................
  217.                          ;
  218.                          ; Routine to create/find ASoft variables.
  219.                          ;...............................................................
  220. SETVBL      LDA   TXTPTR                   ;save present location in ASoft pgm
  221.                   STA   ERRPOS
  222.                   LDA   TXTPTR+1
  223.                   STA   ERRPOS+1
  224.                   LDA   VBL3                     ;retrieve high byte of our variable
  225.                   STA   TXTPTR+1
  226.                   LDA   VBL4                     ;retrieve low byte of our variable
  227.                   STA   TXTPTR
  228.                   JSR   PTRGET                   ;find/create variable
  229.                   LDA   VBL1                     ;retrieve high byte's value
  230.                   LDY   VBL2                     ;retrieve low data byte's value
  231.                   JSR   GIVAYF
  232.                   LDX   VARPNT
  233.                   LDY   VARPNT+1
  234.                   JSR   MOVMF
  235.                   LDA   ERRPOS                   ;restore actual location of ASoft pgm
  236.                   STA   TXTPTR
  237.                   LDA   ERRPOS+1
  238.                   STA   TXTPTR+1
  239.                   CLC                            ;clear carry to force branch on return
  240.                   RTS                            ;done!
  241.                          ;...............................................................
  242.                          ;
  243.                          ; Set and Kill variable names.
  244.                          ;...............................................................
  246. SVVBL        DC    H'53 56 00'              ;"SV"
  247. KVVBL        DC    H'4B 56 00'              ;"KV"
  249.                          ;...............................................................
  250.                          ;
  251.                          ; Reset routine.
  252.                          ;...............................................................
  253. RST            LDA   #$F0                     ;reconnect default I/O links
  254.                   STA   CSWL                     ;character output
  255.                   LDA   #$FD                     ; (default 40 columns, COUT = $FDF0)
  256.                   STA   CSWL+1
  257.                   LDA   #$1B                     ;character input
  258.                   STA   KSWL                     ; (default keyboard)
  259.                   LDA   #$FD
  260.                   STA   KSWL+1
  261.                   LDA   KVERSION                 ;are we running ProDOS?
  262.                   BMI   RSTDOS33                 ;no, reset for DOS 3.3
  263.                   LDA   #$F0                     ;set default BASIC.SYSTEM global vectors
  264.                   STA   VECTOUT                  ; (character output --> $FDF0, or COUT)
  265.                   LDA   #$FD
  266.                   STA   VECTOUT+1
  267.                   LDA   #$1B                     ; (character input --> $FD1B, or KEYIN)
  268.                   STA   VECTIN
  269.                   LDA   #$FD
  270.                   STA   VECTIN+1
  271. CLSFILE    LDX   #$00                     ;have BASIC.SYSTEM close all open files
  272. CLSLOOP    LDA   CLSCMD,X                ;(we have BASIC.SYSTEM CLOSE files...
  273.                   BEQ   CLSALL                   ;...rather than the ProDOS MLI 'cause...
  274.                   STA   INBUFR,X                 ;...BASIC.SYSTEM does some other...
  275.                   INX                            ;...housekeeping the MLI doesn't)
  276.                   BNE   CLSLOOP
  277. CLSCMD      DC    H'C3 CC CF D3 C5 8D 00'  ;"CLOSE", with carriage return and $00
  278. CLSALL      JSR   DOSCMD
  279.                   BCC   READVBL
  280.                   LDA   #$15                     ;FILE(S) STILL OPEN error
  281.                   JMP   ERROUT
  282. RSTDOS33  JSR   CONNECT                  ;reconnect DOS 3.3
  283.                   JSR   CLOSE                    ;close all open files
  284. READVBL    LDA   #<REVBL                  ;retrieve line number from RE
  285.                   STA   TXTPTR
  286. FIX2          LDA   #$96                     ;byte will be corrected for ProDOS call
  287.                   STA   TXTPTR+1
  288.                   JSR   PTRGET                   ;find variable data
  289.                   JSR   MOVFM                    ;move it to the FAC
  290.                   JSR   GETADR                   ;convert it to integer (in LINNUM)
  291.                   LDA   LINNUM+1                 ;get high byte of line number
  292.                   STA   CURLIN+1                 ;store it for execution
  293.                   LDA   LINNUM                   ;get low byte of line num
  294.                   STA   CURLIN                   ;store it for execution
  295.                   JSR   STKINI                   ;restore stack
  296.                   JSR   STXTPT                   ;reset TXTPTR to beginning of program
  297.                   JSR   GETLIN                   ;find our new line in memory
  298.                   JMP   NEWSTT                   ;start execution at new line number
  299.                          ;...............................................................
  300.                          ;
  301.                          ; Restore variable name.
  302.                          ;...............................................................
  304. REVBL        DC    H'52 45 00'              ;"RE"
  306.                          ;...............................................................
  307.                          ;
  308.                          ; Routine to re-enable the reset program.
  309.                          ;...............................................................
  310. SETVECT    LDA   #$00                     ;point reset vector to $9600
  311.                   STA   RSTVCTL
  312.                   LDA   #$96                     ;will be modified for ProDOS version
  313.                   STA   RSTVCTH
  314.                   EOR   #$A5
  315.                   STA   RSTVCTV
  316.                   RTS
  318.                          ;...............................................................
  319.                          ;
  320.                          ; Routine to disable the reset program.
  321.                          ;...............................................................
  322. KILLVECT  LDA   #$BF                     ;restore reset vector to default values
  323.                   STA   RSTVCTL                  ;($9DBF for DOS 3.3)
  324.                   LDA   #$9D                     ;($BE00 for BASIC.SYSTEM, which will...
  325.                   STA   RSTVCTH                  ;...be inserted here before this code...
  326.                   EOR   #$A5                     ;...is relocated)
  327.                   STA   RSTVCTV
  328. END            RTS
  329.                   END